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Yizkor / Book of Remembrance 5785

Temple Har Zion High Holy Days 5785 / 2024
Book of Remembrance

Yizkor is a time we remember and honor our departed loved ones. Traditionally we make a donation in their memory, “Ehtain Tzedakah bah-ah-dah...I will donate charity in her or his sake.”

We are continuing the updated front section where you can offer tributes to loved ones, listing them after your, or your family's, name under
 "Name of Donor" (see examples below.)

Examples of "Name of Donor" and "List of Names":

Isaac and Miriam Cohen
Joseph Cohen
Hyram Cohen
Minnie Klein
The Eisen Family
Margaret Eisen
Amelia Bloom
Our friends & family at Har Zion

- Please fill out "Name of Donor" in the form below exactly as you want it to be published:

“Isaac and Miria Cohen”   or   "The Eisen Family"

- Does your loved one have a memorial plaque? Let us know by checking the Plaque box after you enter their name.

- Do you wish to memorialize an October 7 victim? Let us know that by checking the October 7 box after  their name.

*** DEADLINE for all submissions is Friday, September 20th, so that we have time to prepare the book for printing.

Suggested Donations

Donation for Each "Memory of Name" Listed:

There is no charge to list names of people who have memorial plaques at the temple. There is also no charge to list an October 7 victim. Please be sure to check the correct box next to the name.

For all other names, there is a minimum $20 donation per name.

Donation for a Personal Message or Greeting:

You can, if you wish, add a short message or greeting to be put in this section of the Book of Remembrance, between your name—(Name of Donor)—and your list of people remembered. Type this short greeting in the Personal message box.

We request a minimum donation of $36 for a
Personal message.

Printing Cost

Our cost to produce the Yizkor books has increased substantially. If you are able to, please consider increasing your donation to help cover costs. Would you like to underwrite the Book of Remembrance? Donors willing to underwrite the publication of the book will be recognized.

If you have questions or need a hand filling out this form please call (
708-366-9000) or write the office. Thank you for your continued support of Temple Har Zion.

Please check the box indicating a plaque next to any name that has one.
Should you choose to add an individual message to the congregations please include it here. (We are requesting an additional $36 donation to assist with the publication of the book.)
Check if this individual has a memorial plaque at the temple.
Check if this individual was an October 7 victim.

A minimum donation of $20 per person not already having a plaque or being a 10/7 victim.

There is room for 25 In Memory of (name) entries above. If you need more, please fill out a second form and indicate in the Comments or concerns box that it is a continuation.

A minimum donation of $36 is requested if you have submitted a message to the congregation.

Thank you!
The number of people you listed for the book who do not have plaques x $20

+ donation for Personal message (if applicable)

+ Additional donation to Memorial Fund (if applicable)
Your donation is important. The printing of the book is no longer funded by a former member family. This has significantly increased Har Zion's costs for the Book of Remembrance. 

Please write or call (708.366.9000) the office if you are considering underwriting a portion of the costs incurred and you would like to discuss the contribution. Thank you!!
Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784