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MISTER G Jewish Latine Family Festival


Grammy Award winning


in a kid's concert on October 20 at 10:30am!

Hear him share his plans for his visit at Har Zion here.
To learn more about his performances and watch his videos go

Temple Har Zion presents our 2nd Jewish Latine Family Festival featuring Grammy Award winning, bilingual, Jewish artist, author, educator and activist, MISTER G. 


Please consider becoming a sponsor for this incredible event!

Potential vendors please see below for more information.



Concert only

For adults and children over the age of 3.

Concert and Food

For adults and children over the age of 3.

Please consider becoming a Concert Donor or Sponsor!!

All donors receive concert admission and food for four (4) people.
Sponsors at the $  500 level, or above, receive concert admission and food for six (6) people.
Sponsors at the $1000 level, or above, receive concert admission and food for eight (8) people.

For donations above $1000, please enter the amount below:

Thank you for your generous support!

Vendor table opportunity ($72)

We have tables (8' X 2.5') available for non-profit organizations and businesses that would like the opportunity to present their merchandise at our Jewish Latine Family Festival.

If you are reserving a table, please fill out the contact info below.

Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784