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Preschool Childcare for High Holy Days 5785 / 2024

Temple Har Zion High Holy Days 5785 / 2024

Childcare for Children Ages 18 months through 5 years

You must use this form to register your preschool children (ages 18 months to 5 years) to use Temple Har Zion childcare. We must have accurate registration numbers to plan adequately.  

The deadline to register for Rosh Hashanah services is Monday 9/30, and for Yom Kippur services it is Wednesday 10/9.

This is not a drop-off service. You must register your child(ren) by the deadline to reserve a space. 

Please note: a responsible adult must remain in the building while your children are being cared for at Har Zion.

Did you come here from the Camp Shana Tovah form? Go back here.

If your child uses diapers, please provide the childcare staff with several diapers and a change of clothing.

Please let us know how many preschool age children you will have in the temple's care during each of these services. 

Note: Childcare will be available throughout morning services on each of these days, and also for the afternoon/evening service on Yom Kippur.

You can drop off/pick up your child at any convenient time after childcare starts. Please let the childcare team know your schedule, when you check-in your child.

   Erev Rosh Hashanah, 10/2, 6-7pm
   Rosh Hashanah, Day 1, 10/3, 9:30am-1pm
   Rosh Hashanah, Day 2, 10/4, 10am-1pm
   Kol Nidre, 10/11, 6:30-9pm
   Yom Kippur morning, 9/25, 10/12, 9:30am-1pm
   Yom Kippur afternoon, 9/25, 10/12, 5-7:30pm

We rely on donations to be able to offer childcare. Please make a donation to defray costs. When making your donation, please consider how many children you are bringing and the number of services during which they are in attendance. Thank you!
Your registration is not complete until you click the SUBMIT button below. The button will not work unless you have responded to all questions with an asterisk..
Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785