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Preschool Childcare for High Holy Days 5785 / 2024

Temple Har Zion High Holy Days 5785 / 2024

Childcare for Children Ages 18 months through 5 years

You must use this form to register your preschool children (ages 18 months to 5 years) to use Temple Har Zion childcare. We must have accurate registration numbers to plan adequately.  

The deadline for registration for Rosh Hashanah services is ??, and for Yom Kippur services it is ??.

DO NOT  expect to be able to just drop your children off when you arrive for services.
It is essential that you register your child(ren) before using our child care! 

You must remain in the building while your children are being cared for at Har Zion.

Camp Shana Tovah

Camp Shana Tovah is the other component of Har Zion's High Holy Days services for children.

For preschool children, Camp Shana Tovah holds age-appropriate services for preschoolers (on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, October 3, and on Yom Kippur, October 12), before childcare begins. 

Camp Shana Tovah also holds services for K-7 school-aged children, on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur. And it provides supervision for school-age children to grade 7 after their service. 

Registration is required for both Childcare and for Camp Shana Tovah services:

  • Camp Shana Tovah registration page, and/or
  • Continue below to sign your preschool children up for High Holy Day childcare.
Did you come here from the Camp Shana Tovah form? Go back here.

Do your child(ren) wear diapers? Please indicate in the box above if they do and provide us with diapers and a change of clothing for them.

Please use the following to let us know how many preschool age children (only) you will have in the temple's care during each of these services. 

Note: Childcare will be available to the end of the morning services on each of these days, and also for the afternoon service on Yom Kippur.

You can drop off/pick up your child at any convenient time after childcare starts. Please include these times in the About your child(ren) box above so we have an idea when to expect you.

   Erev Rosh Hashanah, 10/2, 6:30-8pm
   Rosh Hashanah, Day 1, 10/3, 9:30am-1pm
   Rosh Hashanah, Day 2, 10/4, 10am-1pm
   Kol Nidre, 10/11, 6:30-9pm
   Yom Kippur morning, 9/25, 10/12, 9:30am-1pm
   Yom Kippur afternoon, 9/25, 10/12, 5-7:30pm

We request a minimum donation of $18 per child per service to defray some of these costs so we can continue to offer this programming in the future.
The SUBMIT button is at the bottom of the form; it will not work if you have not responded to all asterisked questions.
Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784